Friday, June 27, 2008

Track 101

I'm just learning about this whole world of track and field...we went to Laney's first official track meet a couple of Saturdays ago, and it is amazing all that goes on there! A few things I did not know before we got into all of this: track meets take ALL day and they also take place just about every single Saturday, you are kind of like your child's agent b/c you have to have them at the right event at the right time and it's all very confusing to me, you have to have a plethora of snacks (the healthy kind to give them fuel - not the slim jims and little debbies I threw in the bag in a panic to get out the door) and water to last you all that time in the Texas heat, and it's very challenging with little tiny ones who need naps!!!! But, Laney had a great time and managed to get a few ribbons. She actually, since this meet, has decided that she really enjoys longer races much more - like the 300 and 400, as opposed to the 50 and 100 yard ones. Maybe we'll try those at the next meet. And she loves relays. Miller thought the whole thing was "not fair" because he didn't get a trophy. I might also add that Miller doesn't care how he gets a trophy (pie eating contest??), he just knows he wants a trophy...
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1 comment:

Jeffrey said...

Way to go Laney! I'm sure you can outrun your daddy!