Thursday, June 12, 2008

Miller's big day...

Precious Miller has been asking Jay and I for weeks and weeks if he could ask Jesus into his heart. He has said over and over that he loves God and he knows that Jesus died for our sins. This morning he came to me and said that he really wanted to pray to accept Jesus, so we called Jay at work and Jay and Miller prayed over the phone. It was sweet, sweet. You know, I wondered and wondered if he was too young to grasp it all, and if we should just wait until he was a little older so that he would really be able to get it. But Miller will eventually learn more about what sin is and why we need a Savior, and about the work and the importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives. He will eventually be baptized. But for now, he loves God and believes that Jesus died to save us and rose again from the dead. The Gospel really is meant to be simple - we so complicate things. And after all, it's not about necessarily understanding so much as it is about faith in what God has done for us.

So...we had a big steak and shrimp dinner at Memaw and Peep's house to celebrate, and Grandma is still here, so it was great to have her here for this big day!! I am so thankful...

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